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A simple practice method that allows you to hit the ball cleanly and neatly on downhill balls.

By Top 100 Teacher John Dunigan, Director of Instruction at Apple Creek Golf Club, Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA


From the top of the backswing, shift your lower body so that the aiming stick goes down and toward the target. This moves the nadir of the swing arc forward, making it easier to catch the ball cleanly downhill.


After passing the ball, move the aiming stick up and to the left of the target line.

To be a good golfer, the ability to play cleanly from any position is the most important key. Among them, the downhill ball position is usually the most difficult for many amateur golfers. Now, I have an easy way to get you to hit solid shots and hopefully give you more opportunities for Boty.

Insert an aiming stick into the belt loop on the front of your shorts, as I did in the top photo. As you turn your body on the backswing, keep the aiming stick pointing at the target line as it moves. When you switch from backswing to downswing, move the tip of the aiming stick down and toward the target, while still keeping your shoulders twisted and not turning away too early (pictured above). This action moves the bottom of your swing arc forward, and all golfers use this action to make the shot more solid.

After initiating the downswing, point the tip of the aiming stick up while rotating it away from the target line (to the left) during the downswing.

Using external aids like aiming sticks can help you ingrain this complex movement. Stay focused and you’ll be hitting clean shots downhill like a pro in no time.

Post time: Mar-16-2022